Jerusalem Hills Wildfire - Rehabilitation | EnvironmentJerusalem Hills Wildfire - Rehabilitation | Environment

Jerusalem Hills Wildfire - Rehabilitation

• Pearl & Lou Goodman Family Fund
• Brian Nixon

Kitchen at Hadar Special Needs School | Special NeedsKitchen at Hadar Special Needs School | Special Needs

Kitchen at Hadar Special Needs School

• Charles and Barbara Taerk & Family

Kitchen Renovation for Girls-At-Risk | Youth-At-Risk

Kitchen Renovation for Girls-At-Risk

Language Development Classroom at ADI Negev Children's Centre | Special Needs

Language Development Classroom at ADI Negev Children's Centre

Large Classroom at the Bervin JNF Canada House for Excellence | Education

Large Classroom at the Bervin JNF Canada House for Excellence

Life Skills Apartment at Hadar Special Needs School | Special NeedsLife Skills Apartment at Hadar Special Needs School | Special Needs

Life Skills Apartment at Hadar Special Needs School

• Mark Schachter and Elina Guttenberg

Mahayanim Cycling Trail | Sports, Arts and Music

Mahayanim Cycling Trail

• Lorne Greenspan and Donna Cohen
• Peter and Dianne Seligman & Family

MAI Urban Youth Centre | Youth-At-Risk

MAI Urban Youth Centre

Main Entrance Landscaping at the Stephen Harper Visitor and Education Centre - Hula Valley | EnvironmentMain Entrance Landscaping at the Stephen Harper Visitor and Education Centre - Hula Valley | Environment

Main Entrance Landscaping at the Stephen Harper Visitor and Education Centre - Hula Valley

Master Class Studio at Hassadna Music Conservatory | Sports, Arts and Music

Master Class Studio at Hassadna Music Conservatory

• Klein Family

Matara Centre for Addiction Services | Healthcare

Matara Centre for Addiction Services

Mikveh at Seven Maidens | Community Development

Mikveh at Seven Maidens

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