Terrace at The Vertigo Eco-Art Village | Sports, Arts and MusicTerrace at The Vertigo Eco-Art Village | Sports, Arts and Music

Terrace at The Vertigo Eco-Art Village

• Pam and Michael Albert
• Sharon Bookhalter and Jerry Glasser
• Gisela Fajner and Andre Sipos z"l
• Carl and Sandi Loewith

The Chayal Court Club | Youth-At-RiskThe Chayal Court Club | Youth-At-Risk

The Chayal Court Club

• George and Kay z"l Goldlist Family Foundation
• Paul Greenspoon
• Edit and Jonathan Rosenstein & Family
• Singer Family

The Farm in Carmel | Special Needs

The Farm in Carmel

The Gateway to Jerusalem | Education

The Gateway to Jerusalem

• Dr. Wayne and Marlene Pulver
• Abe and Bella Rolnick
• Jack and Honey Carr

The Hazon Forest Bicycle Track | Sports, Arts and MusicThe Hazon Forest Bicycle Track | Sports, Arts and Music

The Hazon Forest Bicycle Track

The Members Club at Carmel Farm | Special Needs

The Members Club at Carmel Farm

The Nahal Beka Youth Center | Youth-At-Risk

The Nahal Beka Youth Center

The Round Table Youth Club Garden & Sports Zone | Youth-At-Risk

The Round Table Youth Club Garden & Sports Zone

The Shuni Field and Forest Centre | EnvironmentThe Shuni Field and Forest Centre | Environment

The Shuni Field and Forest Centre

• Ruth Chippin
• Sharon Bookhalter and Jerry Glasser

The Sky Wing Gallery at Beit Haedut Holocaust Museum | Education

The Sky Wing Gallery at Beit Haedut Holocaust Museum

The Space Mobile | EducationThe Space Mobile | Education

The Space Mobile

• Alberga Family Trust

The Therapeutic Garden at The Hosen Drug Treatment Centre | HealthcareThe Therapeutic Garden at The Hosen Drug Treatment Centre | Healthcare

The Therapeutic Garden at The Hosen Drug Treatment Centre

• The Arbess Family
• Faith and Daniel Stoppel

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