Bervin JNF Canada House for Excellence

PROJECTS | Education

The Bervin JNF Canada House will serve as an after school, informal education, empowerment, and enrichment center for high school youth from Sderot and its surroundings, who will be provided with the necessary tools and skills for academic and personal success. At a later stage, the Bervin JNF Canada House for Excellence will also be open in the morning hours for the enjoyment and edification of the community. Given its location in a volatile region, the facility will be built to withstand direct missile attacks.

JNF Canada invites you to join us in creating a better Israel by supporting an innovative education and community project. The building will be fortified, protecting students and staff from rocket and mortar attacks and will also be accessible to people with disabilities. Its design will be invitingly clean and bright, with large windows to let in natural light, colorful wall illustrations, and open spaces, creating an environment and ambiance unlike that of a school.

The Bervin JNF Canada House will provide the right combination of unique design, state-of-the-art technology, qualified madrichim (guides/counsellors) and professional instructors to create the optimal space for study and enjoyment, contributing to a bright future for the city's youth.

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