Accessible Bicycle Track at Givat Hatzir | Sports, Arts and MusicAccessible Bicycle Track at Givat Hatzir | Sports, Arts and Music

Accessible Bicycle Track at Givat Hatzir

• Florence, Sheldon, Marissa and Michelle Miller

Accessible Community Housing at Kibbutz Hagoshrim | Special NeedsAccessible Community Housing at Kibbutz Hagoshrim | Special Needs

Accessible Community Housing at Kibbutz Hagoshrim

• Sharon and Paul Finn & Family

Accessible Hospitality Cabins in the  Lavi Field and Forest Centre | Special Needs

Accessible Hospitality Cabins in the Lavi Field and Forest Centre

Accessible Playground in Kiryat Malachi | Special NeedsAccessible Playground in Kiryat Malachi | Special Needs

Accessible Playground in Kiryat Malachi

• Feierstein & Fishman Medical Corporation
• MaryEllen Herman
• Frayda Raber and Charlie Wiseman

After-School Educational Enrichment Centre at Eshkol Payis | Youth-At-Risk

After-School Educational Enrichment Centre at Eshkol Payis

Alon After-School Centre Playground | Youth-At-RiskAlon After-School Centre Playground | Youth-At-Risk

Alon After-School Centre Playground

• Melissa Greenberg & Michael Springer
• Debbie and Lawrence Zucker

Apartments for Patient's Families | Israel Resilience

Apartments for Patient's Families

• Jay and Janet Harris & Family
• Mark Albert and Rochelle Zubcov
• Shaul and Cheri Dwosh

Arts & Crafts Room at the Sderot Seniors Centre  | Senior Support

Arts & Crafts Room at the Sderot Seniors Centre

• Anonymous

Bait Cham for Girls-At-Risk | Youth-At-Risk

Bait Cham for Girls-At-Risk

Basketball Court at Jerusalem Hills Therapeutic Centre | Youth-At-RiskBasketball Court at Jerusalem Hills Therapeutic Centre | Youth-At-Risk

Basketball Court at Jerusalem Hills Therapeutic Centre

• The Shelley Avital Foundation

Bedroom in Respiratory Ward at Adi Jerusalem | Healthcare

Bedroom in Respiratory Ward at Adi Jerusalem

• Gerald and Grazyna Krigstin

Bervin JNF Canada House for Excellence | EducationBervin JNF Canada House for Excellence | Education

Bervin JNF Canada House for Excellence

• Yoram and Haley Birenzweig
• Samuel and Beverley z"l Cohen
• Lance Davis
• Toby and Saul z"l Feldberg
• Mike and Sandra Florence
• George and Kay z"l Goldlist Family Foundation
• Michael and Anita Greenstein & Joel Greenstein
• Philip and Estelle Jacobs
• Gerald and Grazyna Krigstin
• Gary and Judy Neinstein & Family
• Gerry and Shelley Richler
• Nathan Share z"l
• Gisela Fajner and Andre Sipos z"l
• Leslie Lerer and Jeff Springer & Family
• Rodeen and Steve Stein
• Helen and Leonard Zenith
• Anonymous

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