Snoezelen (Sensory) Room - Deganit Kindergarten

PROJECTS | Special Needs

Snoezelen (Sensory) Room - Deganit Kindergarten

Who you will help 

For children with autism or other developmental disabilities, the world can be a confusing and frightening place. Faced with over- or under-stimulation, they may behave inappropriately or respond in ways others do not understand. As a result, they are often left out of social and educational situations, have difficulty forming friendships, and face higher chances of isolation, misunderstanding, and dependence on caregivers well into adulthood. One of the most important things societies can provide is an understanding environment, where children with varying developmental abilities are welcomed, cared for and given the support they and their families need to navigate the world. Deganit Kindergarten is a special education institution serving children with cognitive, linguistic, communicative, motoric and emotional disabilities. Each child has his/her own personal education plan, defined to suit individual needs.

Your donation will fund

A Snoezelen Room (a combination of two Dutch words meaning 'to explore and relax'.) These rooms are specially designed to deliver stimuli to various senses, using lighting effects, color, sounds, music, scents, etc. The environment also provides opportunities for safe interaction and engagement. A globally recognized form of therapy, Snoezelen rooms teach children how to self-manage their reactions and emotions, allowing them to remain calmer and respond more healthily when presented with the stimuli in everyday life.


Deganit Kindergarten serves children with special needs from Be'er Sheva and surrounding areas.

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