Holocaust Train Car Ceremony

Last year, The Beit Haedut Museum received a train car from Germany that was used to transport Jews to the extermination camps. The museum planned to place the train car in a courtyard as an open-air exhibit, allowing groups to enter the wagon and connect to their feelings and emotions.

In November 2021, a ceremony was held at the Beit Haedut Holocaust Museum as the train car exhibit was official placed and opened. The ceremony was attended by 50 guests, including a platoon of local soldiers who came to pay their respects.

The Beit Haedut Museum is also fundraising for a viewing room to hear first-hand recordings of survivors, a replica model of camp barracks to offer visitors an immersive experience as they learn about the horrors of the Holocaust, as well as a new build second story "Sky Wing".

About the Beit Haedut Museum

Beit Haedut, in Nir Galim, is a museum and educational centre established to commemorate the Holocaust. The museum serves as a powerful symbol of resilience - it was built by Holocaust survivors almost 30 years ago. Every year, Beit Haedut hosts 10,000s of students, soldiers, officers and others who come to learn about the the atrocities in this dark period of Jewish history, connect more deeply with the subject, and meet survivors.


Train Exhibit at Beit Haedut Holocaust Museum
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