Karen z"l and Ben Springer

SELECT TOP 3 * FROM news WHERE aType = 'p' AND active = 'y' AND ID in (select newsID FROM news_projects_rel WHERE projectsID = 57) order by aDate desc

Who you will help

For the families of Kibbutz Yifat, their outdoor community space is a barren, unfriendly area where no one wants to spend time. To address this, JNF will provide the residents and guests of the kibbutz with a beautiful community park that is green, accessible, and safe, for exciting sports events and family gatherings.

Your donation will fund

Your donation will finance building the playground and park area: installing fitness and play elements on a rubber surface, walking paths, new lighting and woven shade structures, new landscaping and irrigation, plants and trees, improved conditions for existing native trees, limestone outdoor furniture for sitting and eating, a water fountain and signage. All aspects of the playground will be universally accessible.


At Kibbutz Yifat, located in the beautiful Jezreel Valley, 20km outside of Nazareth.

JNF Canada Community Parks 

Throughout Israel, communities on "the outskirts" (either socially or geographically) cannot access the social infrastructure needed for healthy and safe outdoor spaces. Open public spaces are under-funded and under-development, often leading to empty concrete areas that are unusable, particularly for families. Through the JNF Canada Community Parks initiative, JNF transforms these spaces into inviting, accessible, safe parks, while preserving their natural assets and surrounding environment.

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