Airplane Park Welcomes Edmonton Negev Honourees

Freya and Lewis Wasel were welcomed in Israel to unveil their dedication plaque at Airplane Park. They were honoured at JNF Edmonton's 2019 Negev Dinner.

Airplane Park (HaMatos Park), located in Kiryat Shmona one of Israel’s northernmost cities, is a new park spreading across 19 acres, with a focus on tourism, leisure, recreation, and sports for the entire city and its surroundings. Transforming a previously neglected cement area, which included an old abandoned airplane (hence the name), the park will offer bicycle and walking seating and picnic areas along the gorgeous stream bed, and refreshing wading pools. Airplane Park will be completely accessible to the special needs population. Additionally, there will be ample parking, lighting, and landscaping.

Thank you to Freya and Lewis for their generous support of this unique and community-focused project.

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